Om oss

Norra Cypern fastigheter

Vårt Team

Nohara Estates North Cyprus är specialister på fastigheter på norra Cypern och förmedlar skräddarsydda tjänster för våra kunder. Fastighetsaffärer är vår kärnverksamhet och vi har en lång erfarenhet i branschen med goda kunskaper om den lokala marknaden vilket ger oss möjligheten att fullt ut kunna erbjuda och leverera det våra kunder söker. Vi bygger långsiktiga relationer med våra kunder och det är inte alls ovanligt att vi genomför upprepade fastighetsaffärer med samma kund under många års tid. Nyckelorden när vi bygger relationer med våra kunder är integritet och professionalism och naturligtvis även diskretion.

Nohara Estates North Cyprus är en etablerad och registrerad fastighetsmäklare på norra Cypern. Vi har ett internationellt team av medarbetare som tillsammans har över 80 års erfarenhet av den lokala fastighetsmarknaden. Vårt team består av professionella medarbetare som talar svenska, engelska turkiska, spanska, iranska, norska och ryska. Oavsett om du är intresserad av en semesterbostad, en utlandsflytt eller en fastighetsinvestering står vårt team redo att hitta det du söker.

Vårt fokus är att förmedla bostäder av det exklusivare slaget men i vår portfölj finns alla typer av fastigheter. Vi erbjuder alltid samma höga service och professionalism oavsett storleken på din budget. Vi kompromissar aldrig när det gäller uppdraget att hitta din drömbostad och vi är stolta över att ha så många nöjda kunder som vi har långsiktiga relationer till.

Philip Kristensson Nohara Estates North Cyprus

Philip has been a licensed broker since 2012 and is responsible for the Scandinavian market. He is driven by his commitment, high service level and love for his work, and is always striving to please his clients the best way possible. He is also known for his solution-oriented approach and is constantly appreciated for his humble attitude towards the customer.

Philip Kristensson

CEO & Real Estate Broker

+90 548 846 44 07

Nohara Estates North Cyprus Resat Inceer

Reşat is a very good and experienced sales representative with plenty of marketing skills. He is very good with people and a good communicator, something that is of high value working close with his clients. Reşat is very good at risk assessment and eliminating/minimising risks, so as his client you can feel secure. His key words in his professional life are service and humility combined with accuracy and determination.

Reşat Inceer

Sales Representative

+90 533 844 72 55

Maria Eriksson Nohara Estates North Cyprus

Maria is a Swedish photographer based in Cyprus. She is specialised in real estate and architectural photography and has for the last decade worked with some of the top real estate firms in Sweden, taken photos of over 2,000 properties. Along with excellent photography, she provides a discerning eye when it comes to composition, lighting, and editing.

Maria Eriksson

Photography & Media

+90 533 851 53 99

Sophia Sirikci Nohara Estates North Cyprus

With sales focus, drive and a keen eye for details, Sophia creates a winning concept together with her client. It is her passion to exceed the customer's expectations. With her unique approach to negotiating with the customer, Sophia creates the best conditions for your real estate transaction. That is why she always performs her utmost in every property deal, with the help of high availability, high level of service and genuine knowledge.

Sophia Şirikçi

Sales Coordinator

+90 533 849 82 68

Foorozan Rabooki Nohara Estates North Cyprus

Foori is a competition-oriented and driven real estate agent who is always dedicated to performing world-class. She is always happy, positive and bursting with energy. She is passionate about her job and always strives to be well-informed and accessible, so that you as a customer can feel safe. The goal is to always exceed her customers' expectations. Foori is main responsible for the Iranian and Arabic market.

Foorozan Rabooki

Real Estate Agent

+90 392 821 33 33

Anna Inceer Nohara Estates North Cyprus

Anna is an honest, active, hard working and client-oriented expat banking representative that advises our clients on financial and banking activities. With long experience in the banking sector, she provides exclusive bank services and assists our clients with payment plans and other bank services. With Anna as your financial advisor you can feel safe and in good hands, as you will get great and reliable service.

Anna Inceer

Expat Banking Representative

+90 392 821 33 33

Nohara Estates North Cyprus Sahar Derakhshani

Sahar is a business and marketing graduate with a great passion and enthusiasm in marketing, content creation, and digital marketing. She is a determined, creative person with a detail-oriented mind and likes to create sparkly content for businesses. She has previously written blogs regarding lifestyle and motivation and now has decided to take a great step into high-end real estate.

Sahar Derakhshani

Social Media Coordinator

+90 533 886 06 35

Nohara Estates North Cyprus Kave Asaadi

Kave is the result of a talented and passionate videographer with two degrees off graphic communication & multimedia design. He's an experienced photographer, cinematographer & video editor starting his career in 2011. In his portfolio, he has the experience of various projects in Cyprus and abroad as visual content creator and media specialist. Being behind the camera and creating a moment is what he lives for.

Kave Asaadi

Cinematography & Media

+90 392 821 33 33

Nohara Estates North Cyprus Tammy Gray

Qualified as an Interior Designer and with over 40 years experience in sales and marketing, Tammy has worked extensively in South Africa and some parts of Europe. She develops a rapport with all of her clients and in her approach she gives the same level of dedication to each and every one of existing and new purchasers. Part of Tammy's strengths is being creative and confident in her crisis management skills and calm under pressure.

Tammy Gray

Sales Representative

+90 533 838 77 57

Nohara Estates North Cyprus Cemal Sunar

Cemal is responsible for developing and running all facets of the businesses. Previously lived in UK and has a proven executive management track record, over 20 years of experience in real estate. 1984, Cemal graduated from Goldsmith UNI with BSc (Hons) and 1997 ATPL from Guildhall UNI. He has moved to Cyprus 2017 and has been an adviser to North Cyprus’ Transport Minister for Aviation and Transport, also attending to EU missions for and behalf of North Cyprus.

Cemal Sunar

Senior Coordinator

+90 533 820 54 44

Huseyin Oner Nohara Estates North Cyprus

Huseyin determines the IT needs for Nohara Estates and is responsible for implementing computer systems to fulfill Nohara Estates' information systems requirements. He has extensive knowledge and expertise in his field of work. He is a great asset to Nohara Estates as he possesses great ability to diagnose problems, has high attention to detail and is a very analytical thinker.